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Magic Hour, progress
August 3, 2008
Magic Hour detail image, top half of 60H x 40W x 3D inches acrylics on canvas, sturdy home-built core stretcher frame, wrapped sides painted, work in progress. I decided not to lighten the background after all — am leaving the background as-is with loose brushwork in contrast to the totem pole which will be much clearer. To achieve the weathered look I’m using a dish-washing scratch pad to remove some of the paint.
Categories: acrylic painting, B.C., Canada, history/multicultural theme, moon, sunsets, work in progress | 5 Comments »
5 Responses to “Magic Hour, progress”
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August 3rd, 2008 at 11:06
You finished this painting very nicely Nikki!! Great work. I love the bird on the fence, beautiful.
August 3rd, 2008 at 11:06
Well Nikki, I just read it’s a work in progress, so let’s just say I like seeing the changes as you paint along. Chris
August 3rd, 2008 at 11:06
Hey Chris, you’re almost right, because it’s almost finished!
August 17th, 2008 at 11:06
this is a terrific piece!
upon seeing it i immediately thought of artist Emily Carr.

August 20th, 2008 at 11:06
Hi Nina, thanks. This is certainly one of Emily’s main study subjects, and I love trees as she did too. Maybe it’s the essence of these things that comes through no matter who paints them? * I put Nina’s link in my list for anyone who wants to see her unique paintings of trees.