When life gives you lemons, draw them, 11 x 14 inches dry pastels, graphite on paper

"When life gives you lemons, draw them." (Nikki)

"Color! What a deep and mysterious language." (Paul Gauguin)

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Monte “maskot”

April 5, 2020

Monte maskot face mask
Yellow and pink Monte masksAbove: Monte “maskot” face mask for our social responsibility while out and about during COVID19.
The Monte Files were listed on my very first website (2003) with the invitation for you, whoever and wherever you are, despite your age or artistic capabilities, to send in your version of Monte or a character inspired by him, and add it to the collection. The invitation still stands.
Your character can be created using any sort of media. Copy any version of Monte in the Monte Files and re-invent him, trace him or print out pages from the Monte Coloring Book at the bottom of the Monte Files page and color or paint it, write a joke or add hand gestures (as in Monte Cycles 2006). There are no rules except have fun with it; Monte’s up for anything!

Lifetime supply of Monte

The pattern I used is here. I found that the suggested interface makes the mask too thick and not porous enough for breathing, so I made some without and they are much more comfortable. It depends on the kind of fabric you’re using, but the mask still holds its’ shape with double-folded fabric.

Smiley face mask

Monte Earthbag with pockets and change purse, black with sky blue lining

Categories: fabrics, inspiration, Issues, Smile, Social Issues | Comments Off on Monte “maskot”

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