When life gives you lemons, draw them, 11 x 14 inches dry pastels, graphite on paper

"When life gives you lemons, draw them." (Nikki)

"Color! What a deep and mysterious language." (Paul Gauguin)


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Morning Light

Thursday, November 30th, 2006


Morning Light, 48H x 36W inches acrylics on canvas, sides wrapped, narrow frame stained dark brown
Morning Light, 48H x 36W x 2D inches acrylics on canvas, sides wrapped, narrow frame stained dark brown
Post dated note: Morning Light was accepted into the 2007 American Juried Art Salon’s Spring/Summer Juried Exhibition online, and Studio 2600 Light, Shine and Sparkle Dec. 2007 – Jan. 2008.
Now sold but can be replicated in same spirit as original. Please allow at least 14 days to recreate before shipping.

Moon Over Cypress

Wednesday, September 27th, 2006


Moon Over Cypress, 14H x 11W inches oil pastels on paper
Moon Over Cypress, 14H x 11W inches oil pastels on paper, framed with 3-inch white double mat and 26H x 22W inches white wood frame with crackle finish.
This turned out differently than what I originally envisioned — it’s much better because the paper shows through like stars and reminds me of time lapse photography. It is a rare piece in this series that came together quickly and will not be reworked.
Post dated note: accepted into Studio 2600’s Holiday Light and Sparkle Exhibition Nov. 2007-Jan. 2008. Now sold.

Moon Over Myrtle finished

Tuesday, September 26th, 2006


Moon Over Myrtle - morning moon over Crepe Myrtle tree, Lewisville, Texas 14H x 11W inches oil pastels on paper
Moon Over Myrtle, morning moon over Crepe Myrtle tree, Lewisville, Texas, 14H x 11W inches oil pastels on paper with 3-inch-wide white double mat and 26H x 22W inch white custom-built white wood frame with crackle finish.
This is another oil pastel drawing that went through a few transformations while posting on a popular interactive artist’s website, wetcanvas.com. It was noted after posting this stage that the sky looked more like water, so I played around with ideas that might make it look less so using computer alterations first, a new tool for me, then altering the drawing itself.

Moon Over Myrtle, stages

Sunday, September 24th, 2006

Moon Over Myrtle, detail

Work in progress online with other artist’s comment exchanges.. While trying to change the look of water where sky was intended, at one point it looked like there was a shark shape, so with the computer I added it for fun. Continually scraping away areas then rebuilding and trying ways to give it more depth, then for some reason Cezanne came to mind so I looked him up to learn more about life and work. I learned more about Cubist ideas by applying them than reading about them years ago.

Moon Over Myrtle, stages

Wild Canada: Stony Swamp Trail

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006


Stony Swamp Trail, Ottawa, Ontario Canada - 14 x 11 inches oil pastels on paper

Stony Swamp Trail, Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Paper Places series, 14 x 11 inches oil pastels on paper with 3-inch-wide white double mat and 26H x 22W inch white custom-built white wood frame with crackle finish. The series inspired the accompanying poem:

It remains
when things are gone
and people passed
and roads
and paths
and places
we belong
to the essence.

Intuitive response to subject matter impart individual character to each piece, so styles are deliberately different.
Post-dated note: Stony Swamp Trail was accepted for The Artist Showplace Gallery’s Annual Juried Exhibition, February – March 2007.

Coconut Palm, Costa Rica

Sunday, July 23rd, 2006


Coconut Palm, Costa Rica, 14H x 11W inches oil pastels, white double mat, brass title plate, 22H x 26W inches wide white frame with white crackle finish
Coconut Palm, Costa Rica, 14 x 11 inches oil pastels on paper with 3-inch-wide white double mat and 26H x 22W inch white custom-built white wood frame with crackle finish.

January Thaw

Thursday, June 15th, 2006


January Thaw - Willow saplings, Fallowfield, Ontario, Canada

January Thaw, 14H x 11W inches oil pastels, white double mat, brass title plate, 22H x 26W inches wide white frame with white crackle finish.
Willow branches, welcome bits of color during the January thaw, a seasonal expectation in eastern Ontario, when temperatures hover around 0*C. After a period of 1-2 weeks temperatures can dip to -40*C, and the most intense, unpredictable part of winter begins.

The Evolution of January Thaw

The Evolution of January Thaw – a painting is more than the sum of its parts. It transformed dramatically while conversing with other Artists and their critiques on a popular online Artists’ website.

“When I am painting I have no knowledge of what I am doing. Only after a moment of ‘returning consciousness’ do I become aware of what I have been doing. Then, however, I have no hesitation about making changes, or destroying images, because the painting has a life of its own. My mission is to bring forth this life”. Jackson Pollock

Lake Cote Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica

Sunday, May 21st, 2006


Lake Cote Forest Reserve, Costa Rica, 14H x 11W inches oil pastels on paper
Lake Cote Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica, 3-inch-wide white double mat and 26H x 22W inch white custom-built white wood frame with crackle finish.
This is a perfect example of how each piece in the Paper Places series for unique style. I follow intuitively responding to what happens on the page as the work unfolds.

Calgary in September

Thursday, May 18th, 2006


Calgary In September 14 x 11 inches oil pastels on paper, framed size 26 x 22 inches
Calgary in September, 14H x 11W inches oil pastels on paper, 3-inch-wide white double mat and 26H x 22W inch white custom-built white wood frame with crackle finish. Part of the Paper Places series.

Post-dated note: Won Second Place in the Paintings category in Plano Art Association’s annual One-Two-Five Show Exhibition in Plano, Texas April 11 – May 8, 2007. I think of pastels to be drawings because no brush is involved, but they are commonly categorized in competitions as paintings…heck, if it wins a prize, does it really matter?

Silent Witness

Friday, April 21st, 2006


Silent Witness, Juniper at Grand Canyon, Arizona USA, 14H x 11W inches oil pastels on paper
Silent Witness, Juniper at Grand Canyon, Arizona USA, 14H x 11W inches oil pastels on paper, Paper Places series, 3-inch-wide white double mat and 26H x 22W inch white custom-built white wood frame with crackle finish.

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