When life gives you lemons, draw them, 11 x 14 inches dry pastels, graphite on paper

"When life gives you lemons, draw them." (Nikki)

"Color! What a deep and mysterious language." (Paul Gauguin)


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Texas Bluebonnets

Sunday, April 16th, 2023


Texas Bluebonnets, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper
Texas Bluebonnets, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper. In the Spring it’s worth taking a long drive in the Texas countryside to see the fields of Bluebonnets.

Detail images give a better sense of this piece:

  Texas Bluebonnets, left central details   Texas Bluebonnets, right central details

Herb Pots

Saturday, April 8th, 2023


Herb Pots, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper

Herb Pots, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper.

Chinese Pear Blossoms

Saturday, March 11th, 2023


Chinese Pear Blossoms, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper
Chinese Pear Blossoms, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper


Sunday, February 26th, 2023


Asters, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper

Asters, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper. I usually take photos outdoors, and like the previous drawing, it’s been difficult to get a decent photo of the piece as a whole. Details are best viewed in the following thumbnails 1. upper left, 2. upper right, 3. center, 4. lower left, 5. lower right:

  Asters, detail 01 upper left   Asters, detail 02 upper right   Asters, detail 03 center   Asters, detail 04 lower left   Asters, detail 05 lower right  

First Time in the Garden

Thursday, February 9th, 2023


First Time in the Garden, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper
First Time in the Garden, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper. The images below are three phases of the work in progress. I liked the garden details but chose to blur some of them at the edges in order to keep the emphasis on the chick.

  First Time in the Garden, Phase 01 in progress   First Time in the Garden, Phase 02 in progress   First Time in the Garden, Phase 03 in progress

Blue Flag Iris

Monday, August 1st, 2022


Blue Flag Iris, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper

Blue Flag Iris, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper

Showing in Fusion Art’s 8th Annual Leaves & Petals Exhibition through August 2022.


* Blue Flag Iris also won a Finalist Award, 2022 Camelback Gallery International Achievement Awards in Pastel.

* Also was in The Lakeland Art Guild 50th Annual Melvin Gallery Art Exhibition, along with Branches ‘n’ Blossoms and Trask River, May – June 2022

Wild Mustard

Friday, May 27th, 2022


Wild Mustard, Coppell TX, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper
Wild Mustard, Coppell TX, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper. Like most invasive species, beautiful flowering en masse. That and being edible are two of many reasons it has been able to flourish, robbing resources and space usually occupied by Texas Bluebonnets and other native plants now said to be in danger because of it.


Tuesday, March 29th, 2022


Daffodils, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper
Daffodils, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper, framed size 27H x 33W”.

Fern Gestures

Saturday, March 12th, 2022


Fern Gestures, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper
Fern Gestures phase 01 before fiddleheads addition, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paperFern Gestures, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper, framed size 27H x 33W”. Framed size 27H x 33W inches, white wood frame, crackle finish. There are more purples in the darker areas that aren’t showing up very well in the photo here.

I love feedback and constructive criticism. My artist-friend Virginia suggested adding the fiddleheads, and although I had initially planned not to add any, the design is now much more interesting. Thanks V! Left thumbnail shows the piece before adding the fiddleheads.


Wednesday, May 19th, 2021

Firewheels, Grapevine TX, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper

Firewheels, Grapevine TX, 18H x 24W inches soft pastels on paper. Here is a link to the Firewheels acrylics painting I did a few years back.

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