When life gives you lemons, draw them, 11 x 14 inches dry pastels, graphite on paper

"When life gives you lemons, draw them." (Nikki)

"Color! What a deep and mysterious language." (Paul Gauguin)


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Design Inspiration

Sunday, July 27th, 2008


14 inch long Flamboyant Tree seed pods from Chapala, Mexico

Flamboyant Tree seed pods, pencil sketch then detailed with digital pen        Flamboyant Tree seed pods, pencil sketch then digital effects        Flamboyant Tree seed pods, pencil sketch then digital effects

Wind in the Maples, Kingston, ON, Canada

Wind in the Maples original design sketch, pencil on paper        Maple Keys design, pencil on paper        Maple Keys, scanned design sketch then digital play

My Dad recently gave me a few Art books of his. I remember browsing through them when I was younger. He always left his books out laying around on the tables, intending to plant the “drawing seed” in me, and it worked. One of the books Is about the art of  M. C. Escher. What a mind! You can’t help but flip through pages of art like that and not be inspired.

Eastern Cottonwood, Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaThis week I was also organizing my photos of leaves, seeds, and bark that I took specifically because of their outstanding design. Looking through the books plus my photos compelled me draw a few designs I’ve had in mind for a couple of years. I may paint some large one-of-a-kind cushion covers using a few of the best.
American Elm Seeds/Keys, early Spring, Coppell, TexasThere is no substitute for a good old fashioned pencil, but it’s sure fun to play with the Paint Shop Pro effects, cut and paste, repeat patterns. The drawing combined with computer play have me appreciating Escher’s work so much more. He did not use computers at all.


Eastern Cottonwood leaves, pencil sketch then detailed with digital pen        Eastern Cottonwood leaves, pencil sketch then digital effects        Eastern Cottonwood leaves, pencil sketch then digital effects

American Elm Seeds/Keys, original pencil design        American Elm Seeds/Keys, pencil sketch then digital effects        American Elm Seeds/Keys, pencil sketch then digital effects


Pecan nuts, Dallas, Texas   Pecans, preliminary design, pencil on paper  Raindrops and Leaves, pencil on paper, scanned, digital play Early Spring rain, Coppell, Texas


Sunday, June 29th, 2008


Josee, 11 x 14 inches graphite on paper, gift

Josee, a portrait of one of my nieces. Gift, 11 x 14 inches graphite on paper. Drawing portraits is like brain surgery – one millimeter off, more or less, in any direction makes all the difference between success or failure!

New Roots Garden Sculpture

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

Giraffe - Thyme roots

…a new addition to the Roots Garden Sculptures, from a dead thyme plant.

Green Thumb

Thursday, May 22nd, 2008


 Green Thumb - photography, Sunflower leaf

Green Thumb – photography, May 7th: A volunteer Sunflower, must be from last year’s seed, sprouted about 2 weeks ago, is already 5 feet tall with very large leaves.

Crowning Glory

Red Sunflower bud opening   Main flower developing   The other side of the flower. Two ants share in the bounty.

Main flower detail - developing seeds

Red Sunflowers and rooftop - the plant is over 9 ft.tall.  Red Sunflowers

Red Sunflower, photography – May 22nd: the plant is already 97 inches high, almost to the eavestrough today – that’s over 8 ft., and growing a few more inches every day. I cut off quite a few of the large lower leaves and some secondary flowers to enable the energy to go toward developing the main flower and seeds, which I definitely want to collect. There are still 19 long-stemmed secondary flowers unfolding and 8 more blooms stemming from the secondary flowers. May 26: With more secondary blooms unfolding every day, the plant is now over 9 ft. high.

Red Sunflower secondary bud  Mandala - Red Sunflower seed-head

June 14th: The main flower seed-head was removed. Only a few seeds may be mature enough to reproduce another plant because most of the energy has gone into secondary buds, then as those mature, smaller third and even fourth successive buds are still unfolding.

Photo Smoothie

Friday, May 16th, 2008


Black Sheep Grape, photography
Black Sheep Grape, and a Photo Smoothie

Watermelon, apparently seedless  Lemon  Mango

Papaya and seeds  Apple  Red Grapefruit

Zen, Day and Night

Thursday, May 15th, 2008

Zen Garden 08 at night, 24 x 24 x 1 inches acrylics on woven canvas strips over a layer of wrapped canvas, about 1 inch beyond the wall surface.

Zen Garden 08 Day interest and night drama! 24H x 24W x 1D inches acrylics on woven canvas strips over a layer of wrapped canvas. Sold.

Hangs diagonally about one inch from the wall surface. The wrapped sides are painted, frame unnecessary. View the piece from start to finish April 27th, May 12th and May 13th. The tiny openings between woven strips are brightly colored orange and reds, and to ensure they’d be noticeable. A string of small clear lights is woven into more canvas strips behind the frame. It’s quite attractive in the dark and also hung diagonally, optionally hung as a square.

Zen Garden 08 detail Zen Garden 08 during daylight, 24 x 24 x 1 inches acrylics on woven canvas strips over a layer of wrapped canvas Zen Garden 08 detail


Zen Garden 08 – work in progress

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008


Pebbles / Zen Garden #8, 24 x 24 inch stretcher with woven canvas strips. Phase 4, work in progress. Zen Garden 08 detail, work in progress Pebbles / Zen Garden #8, 24 x 24 inch stretcher with woven canvas strips. Phase 7, work in progress. Pebbles / Zen Garden #8, 24 x 24 inch stretcher with woven canvas strips. Phase 8, work in progress.

Crackle glaze was applied at one stage, but the humidity is too high so it didn’t take, may apply again later at some point. Today playing with the patterns, colors, refining the pebbles, splattering to give them more realistic texture.

Zen Garden 08

Monday, May 12th, 2008


Pebbles / Zen Garden #8, 24 x 24 inch stretcher with woven canvas strips. Phase 2, work in progress. Pebbles / Zen Garden #8, 24 x 24 inch stretcher with woven canvas strips. Phase 3, work in progress.

The Emerald Tree Boas is out in one work-area, the recently started Maple Leaves in another, and in the afternoon when I feel less like thinking but still want to keep the hands busy, have started painting Zen Garden 08.

Woven canvas

Sunday, April 27th, 2008


Woven Canvas strips across a 24 x 24 inch stretcher, possibly to become another painting in the Zen Garden series  Woven Canvas strips across a 24 x 24 inch stretcher, possibly to become another painting in the Zen Garden series.

I started covering the new stretcher-frames we built last week. Leftover canvas was cut and ironed into strips about 1″ wide, then woven across a 24 x 24 inch stretcher. I have a few ideas, and will start painting this one when Artini is finished.

Bright spot in the garden

Monday, March 31st, 2008

Iris, a bright spot on a gray day.
It’s mostly overcast today, but the Blue Flag Iris is a bright spot in the garden.

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