When life gives you lemons, draw them, 11 x 14 inches dry pastels, graphite on paper

"When life gives you lemons, draw them." (Nikki)

"Color! What a deep and mysterious language." (Paul Gauguin)


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Friday, September 1st, 2006


Jabiru at the Dallas World Aquarium, 24H x 18W inches graphite on paper

Jabiru at the Dallas World Aquarium, 24H x 18W inches graphite on paper

Post-dated note: Accepted in the J. Mane Gallery’s Fins, Feathers and Fur 2020 exhibition, unfortunately no longer shown in the gallery archives in 2022.

“Drawings have a job to do: to provide viewers with more than just a pretty picture. There are tones implied through those tones!”


Jabiru are large South American prehistoric-looking birds standing 4-5 ft. high. Reference photos for ‘Jabiru’ were taken at the Dallas World Aquarium, where I’ve spent many visits watching a pair of them interact. Fortunately, I can usually study them in silence, because everyone else’s attention is on the flashy coral-colored flamingos just down the aisle.
Before starting I envisioned a drawing based on Japanese principles of using fewer lines and shading, with empty spaces considered as much a part of the drawing as every mark.

This is not the prettiest subject, precisely one of the reasons I chose to keep the drawing soft. By purposely compromising the values and using a lighter touch, my hope was that the viewer’s response might be pleasant before thinking “ugly bird”. To explain further, the Jabiru’s feathers are pure white and its head including beak are very dark grey, almost black. I was stubborn about the style staying gentle and simple, having negative space speak as much.
Whereas a photograph utilizes the whole range of dark and light values, copying everything, a person chooses the amount and quality of dark and light values to apply in order to attain the intended the effect on our emotional impressions.

The Jabiru’s huge beak strikes a strong silhouette by shape alone, so to lessen the impact of the large, odd shape on a fairly empty page, extremes were avoided even though the bird’s beak is quite dark in reality.
I really want stress here that a drawing is not a photograph, and a photograph is not a drawing. Photographs might be the source of inspiration and for details that memory has missed or forgotten. Illustrations that are copied with attempts to produce an exact visual likeness, relying purely on the photo, lack a certain warmth no matter how well rendered they are. Art involves the human factor.  A photo is a product of a machine; the visual details are copied with no sense or emotion; it does what it’s been designed to do. Drawings are subjective representations of all that we sense as well as see.
We interpret character of a subject not only visually, but also through our multidimensional senses.

Wild Canada: Stony Swamp Trail

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006


Stony Swamp Trail, Ottawa, Ontario Canada - 14 x 11 inches oil pastels on paper

Stony Swamp Trail, Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Paper Places series, 14 x 11 inches oil pastels on paper with 3-inch-wide white double mat and 26H x 22W inch white custom-built white wood frame with crackle finish. The series inspired the accompanying poem:

It remains
when things are gone
and people passed
and roads
and paths
and places
we belong
to the essence.

Intuitive response to subject matter impart individual character to each piece, so styles are deliberately different.
Post-dated note: Stony Swamp Trail was accepted for The Artist Showplace Gallery’s Annual Juried Exhibition, February – March 2007.

Calgary in September

Thursday, May 18th, 2006


Calgary In September 14 x 11 inches oil pastels on paper, framed size 26 x 22 inches
Calgary in September, 14H x 11W inches oil pastels on paper, 3-inch-wide white double mat and 26H x 22W inch white custom-built white wood frame with crackle finish. Part of the Paper Places series.

Post-dated note: Won Second Place in the Paintings category in Plano Art Association’s annual One-Two-Five Show Exhibition in Plano, Texas April 11 – May 8, 2007. I think of pastels to be drawings because no brush is involved, but they are commonly categorized in competitions as paintings…heck, if it wins a prize, does it really matter?

Eucalyptus Tree

Sunday, April 16th, 2006

Eucalyptus Tree, Queensland, Australia 14 x 11 inches oil pastels on paper
Eucalyptus Tree, Queen Mary’s Falls, Queensland, Australia, 14H x 11W inches oil pastels on paper, Paper Places series. 3 inch wide white double mat and 26H x 22W inch white custom-built white wood frame with crackle finish.

Post-dated note: This drawing earned a spot in American Art Jury’s 2007 Spring/Summer online exhibition and gallery http://www.artjury.com

Galahs in Traffic, reworked

Friday, April 14th, 2006


Galahs in Traffic - flocks of Galahs fly in front of cars, many laying dead beside the road to the Kangaroo Island ferry, South Australia
Galahs in Traffic, 14H x 11W inches oil pastels on paper, has 3-inch-wide white double mat and 26H x 22W inch white custom-built white wood frame with crackle finish.

Flocks of Galahs fly head on into cars on the highway while driving to the Kangaroo Island ferry, South Australia. A tragic phenomenon – many lay dead on the side of the road, for miles. This is a busy highway, and next to stopping, it was almost impossible to miss them.
This started out to be a drawing of the Norfolk Island Pines growing in the south-central coastal regions of Australia. It’s not unusual for me to completely re-work oil pastel drawings after a day or two of work, when they could be called finished. Sometimes after a period of study, radical changes are in order, as in this case. After two days of work, while recalling the horrifying scene that day, it was clear that the style in the first stage of the drawing was stagnant and ordinary. Adding the blurry, in-your-face Galah is much more effective. See the first version here.

Post-dated note in 2007: Galahs in Traffic placed in Artjury.com’s 2007 Fall/Winter Juried Online Exhibition.

Post-dated note, 2022: Accepted in the J. Mane Gallery’s Fins, Feathers and Fur 2020 exhibition.

Ancient Mayan Bowl Chair

Thursday, March 30th, 2006


Mayan Bowl Replica Chair, 29H x 29W x 29D inches mixed media furniture
Mayan Bowl Replica Chair, 29H x 29W x 29D inches durable, functional, comfortable refurbished vintage 1960’s plastic lawn chair, mixed media: woven canvas strips, plaster cured and painted, varnish and wax.

This replica of an ancient Mayan artifact re-utilizes a vintage plastic lawn chair that was considered Art in its own day. The refurbished chair was created by a process of weaving canvas strips and white glue paper-mache style over the entire plastic top and bottom, layering wall plaster sanded in between coats, acrylics paint, varnish, graphite, marker, more varnish, then waxed for durability. Three more chairs are yet to be created with historic Art themes from other cultures.

The original bowl design is from the Late Classic Period of Mayan history, 600 – 900 A.D. Common Era, portraying two water Gods witnessing the birth of the all-important Maize God who emerges from a turtle, symbol of the earth and origins thereof. Customarily, hieroglyphs written along the top rim show the bowl-owner’s name and what the bowl was used for.
Inspirational resource: Maya, Divine Kings of the Rainforest edited by Nikolai Grube ISBN 3-8290-4150-0

  Mayan bowl Chair process

Post-dated notes: Accepted into Grand Prairie Arts Council Juried Exhibition and Sale Sept./Oct. 2007, and won Second Place cash award, 3D Category. Also accepted into Artjury.com’s 2007 Fall/Winter Juried Online Exhibition.

Koala and Eucalyptus

Sunday, October 23rd, 2005


Koala and Eucalyptus, 16 x 20 inches acrylics on canvas
Koala and Eucalyptus, 16H x 20W inches acrylics on canvas, framed. Post-dated note, 2022: Showcased in the J. Mane Gallery’s Fins, Feathers and Fur 2020 exhibition. 
Below: work progression.

Koala and Eucalyptus - 16 x 20 inches acrylics on canvas, just started; Phase 1 Koala and Eucalyptus - 16 x 20 inches acrylics on stretched canvas, Phase 2

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