city streets
« Previous Entries Next Entries »San Antonio, Texas
Thursday, October 29th, 2009

Buildings, San Antonio, Texas, 22H x 15W inches watercolors on 140 lb. acid free, cold pressed premium paper, white mat
Neighborhood Heron
Thursday, March 19th, 2009
Neighborhood Heron, 11H x 11W x 3D inches acrylics on canvas, wrapped sides painted. Frame unnecessary. Hang on a wall or display on a flat surface. Signed on the side so as not to impose on the composition.
Sold but a similar piece can be recreated upon request. Please allow 7 days to paint before shipping.
Started with a base coat of very watered down translucent pthalos green mixed with cerulean blue. Spraying rubbing alcohol over a damp painted water-based surface then allowing it to dry without moving it will create starry, spotty textures. Salt shaken over wet paint allowed to dry, then wiped off with a dry cloth will produce similar effects.
Alcohol loosened up the entire surface of paint, so using fingernails under a damp smooth t-shirt cloth, I rubbed off areas to shape the heron and winter trees. This represents a super argument for the wingin’ it methods!
In college I took a pottery course for one semester, and the thing I remember most is the instructor saying how it’s a good idea to allow some of the raw characters of the materials we work with to remain and “speak” without trying to smooth over and perfect everything. She was of course referring to clay, but over the years I’ve found that it applies to many other mediums also. In Heron, the branches extend into the body of the bird, connecting it to its environment. The effect also does a subtle play on the motion of its flight too.
Showcased in the J. Mane Gallery’s Fins, Feathers and Fur 2020 exhibition.
City Streets
Friday, October 5th, 2007
Three Photos will be on exhibit and available for sale at the City Streets Exhibition at Studio 333, Sausalito, California October 25 – December 6, 2007
Burnt Offerings 01 – From Burnt Offerings the photographic series consisting of ten images of the devastating results after an explosion that rocked downtown Dallas on July 25, 2007, in an acetylene and propane warehouse. In the distance: the famous Reunion Tower.
Grey Phase – Dallas, Texas. With a history and reputation for competing with Houston to attract visitors to stay in a beautiful, safe, and interesting downtown area, Dallas makes room for new buildings and upgrades existing ones. This photo: Demolition on the corner of Commerce and S. St. Paul Street, across from the infamous Dallas Grand Hotel which has been vacant and in a serious state of disrepair for many years, now planned to also receive extensive renovations.
True Colors 63 – An original photo of one of the digitally manipulated images in the True Colors website series. A cow wanders the streets of San Antonio, Mexico. Nonchalantly meandering through the neighborhood, tether rope dragging on the road beside her, it’s as if this cow has simply left for a short walk and no one, even the owner, ought to worry about her finding her way home.
Rude Awakening
Tuesday, August 28th, 2007
Three quaint old apartment buildings in the Strathcona District on Whyte Avenue in Edmonton, Alberta were demolished to make way for a large condominium complex — a shame, considering all the new windows that were just replaced a few years ago. To remove them beforehand would not be financially viable for the new builder, but it’s not the way things are done in oil-rich Alberta these days. Everything: fridges, furnaces… someone’s home the week before — smashed and crushed within 36 hours.
Individuals would gladly use these second-hand materials, even volunteer to take them out. China would kill for that wood. The trip to Mexico is still fresh in my mind, and of how they utilize everything, even wire frames of old mattresses as fence material. This destruction was wasteful, almost painful.
On the other hand, it was very interesting to watch! It’s these sorts of extremes that conjure up perplexing conflicting emotions, and all the travel this year leaves me with so much revitalized energy to draw upon for a long time. I haven’t been painting, but these kinds of experiences are where all worthwhile art originates.
City Mountains
Monday, August 27th, 2007
Mountains of houses as far as the eye can see in Irving, Texas. There’s a hill in Irving that looks down onto numerous cities in the DFW metroplex, where you can see miles of grey-black rooftops.
Monday, July 30th, 2007
Morrill, Nebraska
Driving up through Oklahoma, Nebraska, Wyoming, then Montana to Alberta. Awesome, awesome. Back to Dallas August 8th.
Lisco, Nebraska – The Lazy U Motel
Southeastern Montana, sunset
Southeastern Montana
True Colors photo – exhibition acceptance
Saturday, June 2nd, 2007
One of the photographs from the series True Colors is accepted into the exhibition Visual Rhythms / Ritmos Visuales, an all-media juried exhibition that embraces the flavors and rhythms of Latin American influenced art and cultures] at the Target Gallery in Alexandria, Virginia, scheduled July 28 – September 3, 2007.
The storefront photo was taken in Guadalajara, Mexico. Beyond the clutter of typical-style pottery and items for sale, a child in a high-chair peeks out from behind a shelving unit The chair in front of the child indicates that someone, probably Mom – no doubt also the store-owner- was there a few moments before, feeding him or her. Two dogs and some pigeons scan the floor for leftovers. The room has a courtyard open to the sky, typical of the area, and there are more pigeons up on the window ledge on the back wall. Available, white mat, black frame 23 x 27 inches.
Please visit the website to view the complete creative tribute to Mexico.
True Colors – a creative tribute to Mexico
Saturday, April 28th, 2007
This red bench is one of many on a newly built walkway along the shoreline of Lake Chapala in the small, charming town of San Crystobal De Las Casas. The True Colors photographic series and website is my creative tribute to the colorful landscapes, culture and style of south-central Mexico. One hundred of my favorite photos out of the thousand-plus taken have been selected for the website, developed separately from the main website to highlight the project as one complete and independent Art endeavor.
Using the Paint Shop Pro computer program I’ve isolated a main portion of each shot, then superimposed this colored image on top of a black and white version of the same photo. Altering the photos this way has a powerful effect on our impression of the subject matter. In some cases the true colors intensify so much against the grey tones the scene becomes surreal. The collection can be viewed at
Credit and many thanks to my husband for encouraging and co-creating the True Colors website, as well as all websites associated with my Artwork.
Linden Sunset
Monday, March 5th, 2007
Linden Sunset, Springtime in Coppell, Texas. Photography available as 11H x 14W inches print, 16H x 20W white double mat
It wasn’t until reviewing all the photos I took this evening that I noticed a tiny surprise on one of the Linden flower buds. Right place, right time. Thank you Universe!
Post-dated note: Linden Sunset is accepted for the 2007 Fall/Winter Juried Online Exhibition.
Calgary in September
Thursday, May 18th, 2006
Calgary in September, 14H x 11W inches oil pastels on paper, 3-inch-wide white double mat and 26H x 22W inch white custom-built white wood frame with crackle finish. Part of the Paper Places series.
Post-dated note: Won Second Place in the Paintings category in Plano Art Association’s annual One-Two-Five Show Exhibition in Plano, Texas April 11 – May 8, 2007. I think of pastels to be drawings because no brush is involved, but they are commonly categorized in competitions as paintings…heck, if it wins a prize, does it really matter?
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