When life gives you lemons, draw them, 11 x 14 inches dry pastels, graphite on paper

"When life gives you lemons, draw them." (Nikki)

"Color! What a deep and mysterious language." (Paul Gauguin)

Children’s Art

Cam’s crab shell

Tuesday, February 6th, 2024


Cam's Crab Shell, taped then painted with acrylics

Who sees a crab shell on the beach and thinks, “I wanna paint that thing!”? … my 12-year-old grandson. We took him to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time when he visited us during Thanksgiving last year. He also gathered a lot of shells to create a video of smashing. When I go to the beach, my imagination only ventures as far as how pretty it would be as a pastels-on-paper seascape, but true creativity knows no bounds. I love it!

The insight of a nine-year-old

Monday, June 25th, 2012


“It does not matter how much you see, it matters if you appreciate what you see”

Fintan Fox, 9 yrs old. Below, an angel fish drawn after snorkeling in Figi

Fintan Fox, Angel Fish, pencil crayon on paperI recently had the pleasure of conversations with nine year old Fintan Fox, the son of a good friend whom I had not seen for over 35 years. My friend Julie and her son, Fintan, both created blogs about their extensive travels beginning in England where they live, to Russia last August, then through China, Thailand, Cambodia, to Australia, Figi, and now through western North America. They are on the last leg of their year-long trip around the world, stopping to visit us in Oregon on their way to Canada.
This drawing is one of Fintan’s blog entries, an Angel fish drawn after seeing some while snorkeling in Figi. So impressive! With a minimum of information, the style is bold and confident… simple, yet accurate. Similarly, he writes with matter-of-fact wisdom, and surprisingly well-thought-through opinions. Wow, nine year-olds can be great sources of inspiration.

Featured Artist

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008


  Googly-eyed Grandpa, colored pencils and plastic googly eyes on paper

 Googly-eyed Grandpa by Evelyn Drury, colored pencils and googly eyes from the $1 store. Says Grandpa: “Even my socks are looking back at me now!”

From Little Acorns Big Oaks Grow, by Evelyn's Grandpa, 1940, 10 years old Evelyn has inherited the relentless Artist’s gene. Hooray, this world can use all the creative people it can get. There are so many choices available for her future as an Artist should she choose to make it her career. Creative minds are appreciated as an asset wherever a person chooses to work. Even though she’s only 4 1/2 years old, if I have any influence it will be to help guide my neice to #1 have fun learning. Her attention is so sharp, she is capable being an engineer or architect, or she may wish to start her own business. Wherever it leads you, Evelyn, sweetie, I’m there for ya!